Campiello Prize, Giorgio Zanchini new president of the jury of the writers

Campiello Prize, Giorgio Zanchini new president of the jury of the writers

The 63rd edition of the Campiello Prize is officially started with a change at the helm of the jury of the writers, after four years: the new president is Giorgio Zanchini, journalist and essayist, known for his commitment in cultural dissemination, who receives the witness from Walter Veltroni.

The new president of the jury of the writers

Born in Rome in 1967, Zanchini worked in Rai, where he leads several radio and television broadcasts. Among his main radio programs I too, how many stories, rebus and 5000 years and +. Author of numerous books, he has published works such as Culture in the media (Carocci, 2024), The Indecisi library (Mondadori, 2024), Are there Italians? (Rai Libri, 2023) e Horizontal culture (with Giovanni Solimine, Laterza, 2020).

Among the novelties of this year, there is also the entry of three new members in the jury: Rita Librandi, a professor that emerged from Italian linguistics and history of the Italian language and vice -president of the Academy of Crusca; Liliana Rampello, former professor of aesthetics at the University of Bologna, literary criticism and essayist and Stefano Salis, head of the pages of the comments and Sunday of the Sole24ore. At the same time, Pierluigi Battista, Edoardo Camurri, Chiara Fenoglio and Emanuele Zinato leave the assignment for personal and working commitments.

On the other hand, the other members of the jury of the writers are confirmed: Alessandro Beretta (literary critic, journalist, cinematographic programmer and cultural promoter); Federico Bertoni (professor of literary criticism and comparative literatures at the University of Bologna); Daniela Brogi (teacher of contemporary Italian literature at the University for Foreigners of Siena); Silvia Calandrelli (director of Rai Cultura); Daria Galateria (teacher of French literature at the La Sapienza University of Rome); Lorenzo Tomasin (professor of Romance Philology at the University of Lausanne) and Roberto Vecchioni (songwriter, writer and university professor).

Next official stage of Campiello will be on May 30, 2025, when the jurors meet in Padua, in the Aula Magna of Palazzo Bo, to select the finalist cinquina and announce the Opera Prima Prize. The winner, indicated by the jury of the three hundred anonymous readers, will instead be proclaimed on Saturday 13 September, at the La Fenice Theater in Venice.