THE administrative boundaries of cities often depend on natural factors (the presence of a coastline, rivers, relief, etc.) e historical-cultural (the presence of other nearby towns and cities, the urbanization process, etc.) and change progressively over time, sometimes leading larger urban centers to incorporate the smaller ones that surround them. Each city thus ends up hiring one unique shapevisible above all on geographical maps, which becomes its fundamental characteristic (as much as the skyline). We’ll throw you one challengeuseful for reviewing a bit basic geography: you might be able to guess these 8 Italian cities by their silhouette? A premise: the size of the different shapes is not in the right scale. Some of these cities, in essence, are much larger or smaller than others, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the image. The purpose of the article, however, is twofold: to entertain you and, at the same time, to review some Italian geography.
Attention: soon you will find, first, for convenience, again the silent image containing the black silhouettes of the cities; after which the image-solution in which each shape is associated with the name of the respective urban centre. Finally we concluded with a table in which each city is accompanied by some basic information: region to which it belongs, surface area and population. So scroll down the page slowly to avoid spoilers. Good luck!
Note for those who want a little help starting: the silhouettes refer to the 8 most populous cities in Italy. Three are from the North, three from the Center and two from the South. Three are located on the sea, while the other five are inland.
Spoiler alert: Don’t scroll further if you don’t want to find out the solution to the quiz!
How many cities did you guess? Try to challenge friends and relatives by sharing the quiz with them! Below you will find the table with the list of the 8 most populous cities in Italy in alphabetical order, accompanied by some further geographical information: