Conspiracies and whining: Giorgia Meloni needs new friends (and fewer relatives)
Punctual as the resumption of schools and the changing of the seasons on the calendar, this year too, once again, comes the evocation of the judicial conspiracy. In yesterday’s Giornale, the director Sandro Sallusti described a plan hatched by hostile politics and a supportive judiciary to the detriment of Meloni and her family, which is about to materialize with a notice of investigation against Arianna for “influence peddling”. We are at the denunciation of the conspiracy by a journalist of reference for that political area, even before the conspiracy itself has manifested its first explicit signal: that is, precisely, the notice of investigation, which we will see if and when it arrives.
The judicial conspiracies
In a country with a short memory and an increasingly hot and long summer, the controversies of these days may even seem new. What is new, however, is that the editorial and political response comes before any “attack” by the judiciary. For the rest, there is nothing new. Suffice it to say that towards the end of last November, the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto, the only co-founder of Fratelli d’Italia not coming from the post-fascist tradition, spoke like this: “They tell me about meetings of a current of the judiciary in which they talk about how to “stop the anti-democratic drift that Meloni is leading us to”. Since we have seen all sorts of things in the past, if I know this country well, I expect this season to open soon, before the European elections”. The alarm raised by Crosetto was already the sequel to a similar controversy, also launched by him, at the beginning of August, but in that case, at least, the words of politics followed an action by the judiciary. In this case, instead, as in chorus, they follow those of a newspaper that hypothesizes an action by the judiciary following a couple of newspaper articles that reported the presence and constant closeness of Arianna Meloni to the decision-making processes of a government of which she is not a part, but rather her husband, and then questions from two parliamentarians of Italia Viva on the subject. Naturally, the activism of Renzi’s small party in making direct opposition straight to the government is significant, and coincides with a return to dialogue with Elly Schlein’s PD. It is striking that it is her group that uses news published by Fatto Quotidiano, probably the information body furthest from Italia Viva: but these are details, albeit amusing, that must not make us lose sight of the general picture.
The disappointment for the European elections
Behind, for Giorgia Meloni and her followers, the disappointment of the European elections at the beginning of the summer is still alive. They have strengthened the perimeter and the hold of her coalition and her party in the country, but they have left her with nothing at the negotiating table for the future Commission, where she thought she would enter as a majority shareholder, while instead she will have to settle for the recognition that is still granted to the governments of the founding countries. Around, in the world, there are wars and diplomatic crises regarding which decisions are made by others and elsewhere: it does not depend on the Meloni government, but the non-relevance of our country on the international scene is obviously an element of tension and further anxiety. Again, almost no one cares about the living conditions of prisoners: but the record of suicides that we are about to update would deserve a few more scruples of conscience. Within the perimeter of the government majority, then, some sinister creaking can be perceived, which the trained ears of the Meloni Family will hear clearly.
General Vannacci and Forza Italia with the ius scholae
On the one hand, incredibly, spaces are opening up on the right of Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, and the Italian miracle of the rise of General Vannacci could write a new stage with the foundation of a party that competes with the two right-wing parties on issues of identity. But on the other hand, the air is not calm: Tajani with Forza Italia insists on representing the reasonable center-right, which proposes the ius scholae and the right to citizenship for those who have studied in Italy for ten years, which is not clear why they seem too few to some who, hearing them speak, seem to have stopped much earlier. The voice of the party is his, but that of the master leads back to the Berlusconi family, to Marina and Pier Silvio who with all due moderation point out, explicitly or implying, some distance, even on the television dossiers traditionally central to the political line of Forza Italia. And again, always to stick to the internal issues of a majority united by power but divided on many other things, there is on the horizon the referendum campaign on differentiated autonomy and the electoral campaigns for Umbria, Liguria and Emilia Romagna. A good result of the vote in favor of the repeal, even without reaching the quorum, and perhaps three defeats in regions that, Emilia aside, were governed precisely by the right-wing majority, would be heavy signals, creaks that become small collapses. As if all this were not enough, before us, the season of the Budget law opens, and as we have said many times, there will be tears, blood, and belts to tighten, as Giorgetti knows well who in time, for weeks, has been telling everyone that there is no money. Then however, the law must be made, and it will be complicated, and the latent tensions will become all evident.
The Victimhood of the Right
Broadening the picture a bit, therefore, helps us remember how many serious problems the country governed by Meloni, with the support of her sister, has. And it helps us see which context acts as a riverbed for the victim mentality of the Italian right. A karst river that descends – coincidentally – from the claims on Fiume, crossing the entire twentieth century, and that today helps to tell the story of being victims of plots and ostracism, not to mention the things that need to be done: and how many, among these, exceed the capabilities of a ruling class that would need so, so much new friends, and fewer relatives.
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