In recent days the so-called has returned to the fore “money mule” scam (also known as money mule scam), which is propagated via e-mail, messaging platforms (such as WhatsApp and Telegram), social networks (such as Instagram and TikTok) and also with the more “classic” SMS. With this scam, criminals promise easy earnings by carrying out small financial transactions, but in the end the victims find themselves involved in a real money laundering scheme. To defend yourself, you need to ignore messages from scammers and not follow the instructions they provide.
How to recognize the “money mule” scam
A “money mule” is a person who receives and transfers sums of money on behalf of others, usually in exchange for a commission. This business is presented as a simple and risk-free earning opportunity, but in reality it is an illegal practice that carries serious legal and financial consequences. Criminals, in fact, use this strategy to move illegally obtained money, making it more difficult for authorities to trace.
The recruitment of mules occurs through different channels: online pop-up ads, fake job offers, direct contacts via messaging apps and social networks, etc. The people most vulnerable to this type of scam are the unemployed, students, minors and individuals in financial difficulty who, enticed by simple earning opportunities, take the bait of the scammers, who disguise the activity as a flexible work opportunity , without the need for experience or specific requirements.
In a document released byEuropol on the practice of money muling, those who are the are listed clearly main danger signs that distinguish this scam:
- Receiving unsolicited leads promising easy earnings.
- Job offers from foreign companies looking for “local/national agents” to transfer money.
- Emails from free services (Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail) that do not match the company name.
- Messages with grammatical errors or weak linguistic structures.
- Request to use your bank account to receive and send money.
- Communications and transactions managed exclusively online.
- Skills and experience not necessary to do the job.
The consequences of the “money mule” scam
The consequences of falling victim to the “money mule” scam are serious: not only do you risk lose your savingsbut you could also incur serious legal problems. The transferred funds are often used for illicit activities, such as money laundering or financing organized crimes. In some cases, the bank may freeze your account, preventing you from accessing your funds, or you may have difficulty applying for loans or other financial services.
Antonio’s case, reported in an article in The newspaperis emblematic: after making a transfer to a PayTend bank account, a Lithuanian bank already involved in similar scams, the money was transformed into cryptocurrencies and reinvested in the Forex market. Antonio, convinced by the small initial profit, ended up investing large sums, losing everything when the scammers disappeared. Losses for some victims reached up to 125,000 euros.
How to protect yourself from the “money mule” scam
To protect yourself from the “money mule” scam, it is essential Be wary of anyone who promises you easy money. Nobody gives anything to anyone! Another important thing, do not help scammers by complying with their requests. “Translated”, this means that you do not have to open an account on request of a person you have just met e you must not provide your banking details to others.
What if you think you have already been involved in a money muling scheme? As the authorities suggest, in these cases you must stop immediately to transfer the money to the scammers, you must notify your bank and, of course, report the incident to the authorities.