It will be released in January 2025, simultaneously worldwide in more than 80 countries, Hopethe autobiography of Pope Francis, the first written by a Pontiff in history. The announcement was made today at the Frankfurt Book Fair by Mondadori, which manages the worldwide rights. The volume will be enriched by some photographs, including private and unpublished ones, of the Holy Father.
Revelations and unpublished stories by Francesco
Rich in revelations and unpublished stories, the memoir starts in the early years of the twentieth century, with the narration of the Italian roots and the adventurous emigration to Latin America of his ancestors, to develop in childhood, youth, vocational choice, maturity, to cover the entire pontificate and the present time.
The Pope, through his autobiographical story, also addresses the most important and debated issues of our contemporary world, as well as the crucial issues of his service as universal pastor of the church. “The book of my life is the story of a journey of hope that I cannot imagine separated from that of my family, of my people, of all the people of God – writes Francis in a note anticipating the publication of the volume -. It is, on every page, in every step, also the book of those who walked with me, of those who preceded us, of those who will follow us”.
Written with Carlo Musso, by will of the Pope himself it should have initially been published after his death, but the Jubilee of Hope announced for 2025 and the needs of the time have resolved him to spread his legacy now. Musso explains: “It has been a long, intense adventure that has occupied the last six years: the drafting work began in March 2019 and will conclude in the next few weeks.”
The cover