In October 2024, a Polish-produced feature film arrives on Netflix that mixes cinematic elements that are familiar to those who mainly enjoy American cinema: a man looking for redemption, a robbery to be foiled and a mix of tension and psychological in-depth analysis.
The film “Napad – The robbery” is directed by Michal Gazda, who last year wrote an appreciated Netflix production entitled “Forgotten Love”. Olaf Lubaszenko plays the role of a former police officer expelled from the service, who is faced with the opportunity to take back his old life.
Napad – The robbery: the plot
Set in early 1990s Poland, “Napad” follows a former policeman, played by Olaf Lubaszenko, who attempts to regain his old life by solving a bank robbery case. An intelligent man dedicated to his work, he is a cynical fifty-year-old, tired of life, who has to deal with the separation from his wife and the absence of a relationship with his daughter. With the help of a young policewoman, he must act quickly, as media attention on the crime threatens to complicate things for the new government.
Napad – The robbery: the cast
Directed by Michal Gazda from a screenplay by Dana Lukasinska and Bartosz Staszczyszyn, “Napad – The Heist” stars Olaf Lubaszenko, Jędrzej Hycnar, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja and Magdalena Boczarska.
Napad – The Heist: when it comes out on Netflix
The Polish film “Napad – The Heist” arrives worldwide on the Netflix platform on Wednesday 16 October 2024.
Napad – The Heist: the trailer