“Snow Sister” arrives on Netflix, the Norwegian film directed by Cecilie A. Mosli and based on the famous children’s novel written by Maja Lunde and Lisa Aisato, also authors of the screenplay together with Siv Rajendram Eliassen. The protagonist of the story is Julian, a child of almost 11 years old who, since losing his older sister, is no longer able to experience the magic of Christmas, and of holidays in general, as he once did. Everything changes when he meets a little girl named Hedwig and the fantasy component takes over. Let’s discover together the plot, the trailer and when “Sister of Snow” comes out on Netflix.
Snow Sister: the plot
The plot of “Snow Sister” revolves around Julian, a child who no longer feels the magic of the holidays due to a serious family bereavement. Christmas Eve – which coincides with his birthday – is getting closer, but Julian no longer sees anything beautiful in this event, not even the decorations on the tree. It will be the meeting with Hedwig, cheerful and carefree, that will give him new hope, despite some mysteries that swirl around their friendship and concern above all the bizarre house in which little Hedwig lives and a very suspicious elderly man, described as “enigmatic” and “always lurking”. Between drama, fantasy and the mysterious atmosphere that characterizes the film, we expect touching scenes and that ‘pinch’ of magic that is needed to enchant and make us dream.
Snow Sister: The Cast
The protagonist of “Sisters of the Snow” is Mudit Gupta in the role of Julian, while Celina Meyer Hovland plays the very young Hedwig. Joining the two main performers are Bal Advika (Augusta), Jan Sælid and Ole Steinkjer Øyen.
Snow Sister: when it comes out on Netflix
The fantasy film “Sister of the Snow” will arrive on Netflix on Friday 29 November 2024.
Snow Sister: the trailer
At the moment the trailer for “Snow Sister” is not available online, but we will keep you updated.