Stop using women as “ovens” but let’s simplify adoption
For others, pregnancy has become a universal crime. A law strongly supported by the government majority, defined by the opposition as reactionary, hyper-conservative and medieval. To get to the heart of the matter, it is best to clear up some misunderstandings. The first is of a linguistic nature. Let me explain better: what is essentially a rental of the uterus is called “gestation for others” to make this practice more morally acceptable, just as abortion was renamed “voluntary termination of pregnancy” because “voluntary abortion” would have recalled the murder concept.
Considering that in Italy anyone who pays a woman to rent her entire body for the purpose of having sexual intercourse is indicted for exploitation of prostitution, it is not clear why it should be legal for a woman to rent her uterus so that a couple, heterosexual or homosexual, may have a son or daughter. It is true that the practice of renting a uterus, or surrogate motherhood, has been illegal in Italy for twenty years, but it is not illegal for those who carry it out in countries where it is legal.
What really changes now that pregnancy for others is a universal crime
The opposition contests the universal nature of the crime. And here we come to the second misunderstanding: how is the universality of a crime established?
“I, at least, have no doubt that it is monumental stupidity. First of all, to be such, a universal crime must be recognized universally. Or at least in a vast portion of the world, possibly in the portion where one lives, has relationships, commonalities cultural and political treaties of collaboration; in our case, we mean the world of liberal democracies”, declared Mattia Feltri in an editorial in La Stampa. This thesis, however, has some shortcomings.
First of all, in the European Union and in China, the second world power with over a billion inhabitants, GPA is a crime. Furthermore, in the West, Christians and even a part of the left-wing feminist world have long been fighting to decree the universality of this crime. However, the Italian legislator has introduced the term “universal” to prosecute those who practice renting a womb abroad and, once returned to Italy, demand that the newborn be recognized as their own child.
Universal crimes
Leaving aside the fact that desires cannot always become rights, the left and the liberal press argue that only some particularly serious crimes can be defined as “universal”, such as torture, genocide and slavery. If this were indeed the case, it would mean that, given that marijuana is legal in California, New York and 27 other American states, I could return from the United States and consider myself innocent before Italian law. Likewise, considering that bigamy is legal in most of the Arab world, I would be allowed to marry a dozen women and demand that Italy recognize my harem. In reality this is not the case, and bigamy, although not a crime morally comparable to genocide, is punished in Italy with imprisonment from 1 to 5 years.
Finally, there is a moral misunderstanding. Given that the GPA is admitted in Canada, the USA, Great Britain and Australia, is Italy perhaps retrograde because it does not follow the “progress” of the West? On this point we need to agree on the concept of progress.
If by progress we mean that a couple, heterosexual or homosexual, can turn to specialized agencies that select women based on the color of their skin, level of education and religion to grant the use of their uterus as if it were an “oven “, then we are faced with a regression.
The search for the perfect breed
Only in Hitler’s Nazi Germany was it admitted that Josef Mengele made such a selection of parents to obtain the “perfect race” and avoid the birth of any “imperfection”. It was news a few years ago that two white women sued a clinic because the baby born from surrogacy was black.
Here it is really time to say “let’s stay human”, and if a heterosexual couple wants to have a child, they should fight to make national and international adoptions easier. It is too convenient to be moved by progress advertisements about children dying in Africa, and then use your savings to go abroad and practice a procedure that is degrading to women, instead of using them to help those who have already been born and need a family .