
Store CO2 into the sea transforming it into football baking soda: the new Italian technology

We know: one of the more urgent challenges of our time is to reduce the amount of Coatmospherewhich contributes to global overheating.

There are several ways to capture it and stocch it, but here we tell you one new technology, developed by Italian start -up Limnet: a process that transform the coin bicarbonate of soccer, which is then injected into the sea, where it remains stored for millennia.

In the video, you can follow all the technical proceduresalso thanks to support of 3D animations.

Let’s say here only that this technology replica and speeds up a process that already happens in nature. In fact when it rains, it happens that the rain “absorbs” the Co₂ present in the atmosphere, then penetrates the limestone rocks, formed by calcium carbonate. At this point, CO₂ reacts it with the rock and form precisely football bicarbonate. Finally, the water with baking soda ends up in but in the ocean.

The role of football bicarbonate to combat the acidification of the seas

As we have seen therefore, enter the football baking soda at sea It is not harmful to the marine environment. Indeed, as we point out in the video, this process has a positive secondary effect: it improves the ability of the sea of contrast the acidification of the seas. In fact, you must know that the CO₂, in addition to increasing the average global temperature, contributes to the acidification seas and oceans, seriously damaging the marine ecosystems. Bicarbonate, being a substance alkalinemanages to counteract this acidification

Obviously, as we specify in the video, it is not obvious that we can pay an infected quantity of football bicarbonate in the sea. In each site where this technology will be installed, it will be necessary to conduct analysis on sea or ocean water To determine the amount of baking soda that can be added safely.

How much can you store in the sea and how long?

We close the video with some interesting data. How long Can we guarantee that the CO₂ is stored? According to current scientific studies, i football bicarbonate allow seizure of the CO₂ for beyond 10,000 yearsa period that we can consider equivalent to geological storage.

It is also important to underline that the latest IPCC report states that the methods that increase the alkalinity of the ocean, like this, could remove up to 100 billion tons of co₂ per year, more than double the current annual emissions.

Finally, if you are asking you: is there a system already? The answer is yes. The first systems developed with the Limnet technology was installed near the sea ad Augusta in Sicily and will have an ability to fully storage approximately 800 tons of Co₂ clear.