truffa kit emergenza auto telepass

Telepass, the new scam that promises “car emergency kit” as a gift via email: how to recognize it

Over the past few days, many users have received an email that apparently appeared to come from Telepassthe famous Italian company that operates in the field of road mobility services, in which the gift of a “car emergency kit” in exchange for participation in a survey. In reality this is not an initiative by Telepass, but rather it is yet another attempt at online scam – phishing to be precise – that we are witnessing in this period. The goal of scammers is to obtain personal information and, above all, users’ credit card data. In fact, after completing the survey, the user is invited to provide their data for the payment of a small commissionsimulating a charge of 2 euros for receiving the kit in question. The page, after requesting card details, feigns a payment error. To defend yourself, it is important to ignore the message and report the incident to Telepass.

How the Telepass “car emergency kit” scam works

Recognizing the scam and understanding how it works is essential to avoid falling victim to it, should you receive the message in question. The scam is based onfraudulent use of the Telepass logo and trademark to make the email apparently coming from Telepass seem credible. The emails appear legitimate and the survey actually contains questions regarding the services provided by the company. However, it is just a ploy used by cybercriminals to trick potential victims into entering sensitive data. This practice, known as phishing, is designed to steal personal or banking information. Phishing is a very widespread technique among cyber criminals and exploits people’s trust in well-known brands.

In warning its customers against these emails, in an official press release issued in these hours by Telepass, we read that:

These emails and the fake survey aim to steal personal information, including users’ credit card details. Telepass is in no way connected to this initiative and invites all customers to pay maximum attention to the communications they receive: under no circumstances does the company request confidential data, financial information or passwords to access Telepass services via links contained in unsolicited messages and surveys.

Telepass scam
A possible email attributable to the Telepass “car emergency kit” scam

How to protect yourself from the Telepass “car emergency kit” scam

For protect yourself from the Telepass “car emergency kit” scam It is essential to use your common sense and caution when browsing online. In the specific case of this scam, check the sender’s addresstaking into account the fact that the legitimate communications that Telepass sends via e-mail to its customers come exclusively from the email address it has as its domain When examining the domain from which the email comes, pay attention to this aspect: sometimes scammers may change some characters with similar ones (for example, the “the” is typically exchanged with the number “1”) to deceive the eyes of their victims, who may not immediately notice the origin of a message from the domain @te1epass. In other cases, the domain of the sender of the message is obviously fake and the scammer may have done nothing to try to hide it.

When examining the message, also pay attention to the form in which it was written: whether they are present grammatical errors or clumsy translations it is highly likely that it is a scam. The links contained in the message must also always point to the official Telepass website. By hovering your cursor over a link (without clicking on it), you can see the actual URL: if it doesn’t contain “”it is almost certainly a phishing attempt and therefore the link should not be clicked.

Another fundamental rule is to never enter personal information or credit card details if you are asked to do so via unsolicited emails. Telepass (like any other serious company) never requests payments or sensitive data via these methods. In case you have provided personal information to a suspicious site, act quickly: contact your bank, change your account login credentials And report the incident to Telepass via the contact forms on its site.