The symbol of the Olympic Games It is famous all over the world: a flag with White background where they cross 5 circles of different colors and arranged in two lines. As well explained by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), they have a well-defined meaning: as a whole they represent theunion and meeting of all peoples of the Earth. In particular it is commonly thought that the color of each circle is specifically associated with one of the five continents (green for Europe, yellow for Asia, black for Africa, blue for Oceania and red for America). Contrary to popular belief, however, blue, yellow, black, green And red do not correspond to any specific continent: the five circles represent the continents but the five colours, plus the white of the background, are simply the most used in the flags of the States of the whole world, with the ambition therefore to represent them all. The design of the flag has undergone slight modifications over time and its creator is none other than the founder of the IOC, Pierre de Coubertinwho publicly presented the symbol in 1913. The latter was however officially used for the first time only in 1920 during the Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium.
Regardless of how the Olympic flag is made and regarding the continents, perhaps someone could object that their number is not 5. In fact, the name and number of continents varies greatly depending on the type of classification: depending on the case, we can name 4, 5, 6 or 7, as highlighted in the article below.