The universe of Gomorrah – ten years after its debut on TV – expands with a new prequel series entitled “Gomorrah – The series. The origins” which is ready to tell the origins of the epic crime saga based on the bestseller of the same name by Roberto Saviano focusing on the character of Pietro Savastano as a boy. The series, consisting of six episodes, is directed by Marco D’Amore while the production is by Sky Studios and Cattleya – part of ITV Studios. The series will be distributed by Beta Film and written by Leonardo Fasoli and Maddalena Ravagli (L’immortale, ZeroZeroZero, Django), already historic authors of the screenplay for Gomorrah – The Series, together with Marco D’Amore – who is also artistic supervisor – and to Saviano himself.
“Today I can finally announce that I will be at the helm of a new project which will deal with telling the origins of Gomorrah – declared Marco D’Amore -. Where and when it all began. Through the stories of characters for whom existence seems marked from the very beginning by an ineluctable destiny, as in a Greek tragedy. In the world we will investigate, the historical and social context, the way of life, the habits and certainly also the dreams and ambitions will be different”.
Gomorrah – The series. The origins: the plot
The Gomorra prequel series will tell the story of Pietro Savastano’s criminal rise from when he was just a street kid.
Gomorrah – The series. The origins: when it comes out on Sky and NowTv
Filming will start at the beginning of 2025 in Naples and its surroundings so we can imagine a debut of Gomorrah – The series. The origins not before 2026.