The Umbrella Academy 3: How it ended, the summary

The Umbrella Academy 3: How it ended, the summary

While waiting for the arrival on Netflix of the six episodes of Umbrella Academy 4the final season of the adventures of the Hargreeves brothers, let’s take a step back to refresh our memories on where we left off at the end of the third season and find ourselves ready to follow the new events.

In the third season, after changing the timeline, the super-powered brothers return from 1963 to the present day, but everything has changed and, in their home, they find the Sparrows, the brothers with powers that Sir Reginald has adopted in their place. There is no love lost between the Umbrellas and the Sparrows right from the start, but the two families will eventually have to join forces to solve a puzzle and, once again, save the world from the apocalypse. The clashes, the losses, both definitive and temporary, the twists and even a great love, are not lacking in the penultimate season of Umbrella Academy which ends, once again, with the last second saving of the universe, and with the new confirmation of Sir Reginald’s evil plans.

In particular, in the last episode of The Umbrella Academy 3 The surviving brothers, including Ben, find themselves following, willingly or not, Sir Reginald in his Oblivion plan. Hunted by a black hole that is swallowing the known universe, the Hargreeves find themselves passing through a portal and being used by Sir Reginald who wants to save himself at the cost of their seven lives. But just as the ruthless “father’s” plan is coming to fruition, Alison, with whom the man had made a wicked pact to deceive the brothers, decides to act and foil the plan. The woman manages to replace Sir Reginald and save the universe. But when the Hargreeves return to an earth where everything has returned to its place, as it was before the nightmare of the black hole, they find themselves without their super powers, while Luther mourns the death of his new wife Sloane and Diego and Lila prepare to experience parenthood, the others also try to understand how to live a normal life. None of them know, however, that Sir Reginald is not dead in the universe in which they find themselves, but is watching them from the other side, hand in hand with a mysterious woman and, you can bet, ready for a new, crazy plan that, most likely, we will see at the center of the episodes of The Umbrella Academy 4, the season that will reveal how the adventures of the Hargreeves brothers end, available from August 8 on Netflix.