In recent weeks the news of numerous sightings of UAP – that is, unidentified aerial phenomena – in New Jersey. The fact became of international interest after December 13thwhen Trump on his social network Truth published a post saying that they had been spotted “mysterious drones” and – if you can’t understand what it is – you will have to tear them down. This, as you can easily imagine, has opened the doors to a huge amount of conspiracies and therefore, to clarify, it is good to start from the beginning and see what the data tells us.
The news of drones in New Jersey
It all started in New Jersey. For those who don’t know where it is, we are on the east coast of the United States, between the state of New York, the state of Delaware and Pennsylvania. Here in Morris County, as of November 18 The authorities are reporting a surge in cases of UAP sightings, as also confirmed during a White House press conference. This brought the FBI the November 20th to start investigating what happened.
Days pass and I’m on social media increasingly frequent the images and videos of colored lights moving “strangely” in the night skies. In fact it is true that in the USA there are sightings all year round, but according to the NUFORCwhich is a private body that records UFO sightings, in the last period the number of reports has doubled.
However, consider that much of the material that was circulated online later turned out to be false, or was simply videos of airplanes or other easily explainable phenomena. Consider that over 5000 reportsthe FBI decided to delve into less than 100. So the FBI went to various locations with radar/video equipment, even inside military bases. They even used special radars which, when they detect a drone, activate an optical camera capable of tracking the target. And what did FBI agents discover in these investigations?
The result of the FBI investigations into UAS
The FBI believes it is UAS, Unmanned Aircraft Systemsin Italian “unmanned aerial systems”, a term that also includes i normal droneslike those that are here in Italy. Consider that currently in the USA something like this is registered 1 million UASso no doubt some of these drones have been seen in New Jersey as well. In fact, let us remember that, as also reported by the Federal Aviation Administrationflying drones is perfectly legal in most of the country, as long as these remain under the 120 meters high and that they are clearly visible. Therefore – and this is a consideration that we make – it is very likely that a good part of these sightings are nothing more than drones, which fly low and which in fact, by law, must be visible. This could also be confirmed by the fact that almost all sightings come from observers a Earth, and not by airplanes.
There have been sightings near military zones, like the Picatinny Arsenal and the Naval Weapons Station Earlewhich are no-drone zones, although these violations happen regularly, so it’s nothing new. What’s the point though? Which at the time of all the reported cases, there is no evidence to show illegal uses of airspace, so the FBI has currently discarded the hypothesis that these drones could be considered a danger to the population or that they are operated by criminals. However, there is no information on who operates these UAS or where they come from, so the authorities are taking the situation very seriously and with all possible care.
Furthermore, given that there has been so much talk about it in recent weeks, it cannot be ruled out that someone is having “fun” by purposely simulating UFO sightings, just to make this fuss grow even more.
Summing up we can therefore say that, at the moment, the most probable hypothesis is that the majority of “real” sightings can be traced back to drones that fly without malicious intent, but we don’t know who is operating them or where they come from.