The violin spider (Red-bellied Loxosceles) is a spider native to the Mediterranean basin, also very common in Italy. It is now widespread throughout the world as an invasive species because it is easily transported with the transport of goods and, therefore, it can now be defined as a cosmopolitan species. The recent news from the vice-brigadier of the Carabinieri Franco Aiello died in Palermo due to a bite from a violin spider has rekindled the fear of this arachnid, but in reality today the alarm is unjustified as the number of cases of spider bites in our country is always very low (in case of fear it tends to hide), and at the moment There is no scientific data on the lethal effects of the bite in healthy subjects.
What does the violin spider look like: characteristics and dimensions
The violin spider It is a spider of the family Sicarids yellowish-brown in color, with body about 7-9 mm and with long, thin legs. It owes its common name to a sort of drawing on the cephalothorax which might remind you of the shape of a violin. In reality the distinctive anatomical character it is the presence of 6 eyes unlike other spiders that have them 8These 6 eyes are as if they were arranged in 3 pairs (see image).
Where does the live Red-bellied Loxosceles: its habitat in nature and at home
Although originally from arid and semi-arid environments of the Mediterranean basin, it is now widespread throughout the world transported with goods and can therefore be defined cosmopolitan and also synanthropic as it has also adapted well to urban environments and proximity to humans. very shy and solitary habits so much so that it also deserves the name of hermit spiderin nature it hides in crevices or under stones, in dry places and moves only at night. It does not weave very complex webs, but only stretches a few threads. In urban environments it has adapted to finding refuge in dark places such as attics, closets or storage rooms. It does not approach humans and only tends to defend itself if touched inadvertently..
What Happens If a Violin Spider Bites Us: Symptoms
Given that all spiders are equipped with poison glands and use doses of poison to kill their prey, it must be said that in Italy only two species They have poison that can lead to symptoms of a certain medical importance: one is precisely the spider violinthe other is the bad mincemeat (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus).
The key substance present in the venom of this arachnid is an enzyme, the sphingomyelinase Dwhich causes inflammation and necrotic effects on the skin, haematological disorders and renal failure. Initially the bite is painless and, therefore, it is difficult to notice that you have been hit; then the necrotic substance begins to spread generating a wound cutaneous with a characteristic appearance.
After about 2-8 hours the skin in the bite area begins to redden and burning and sometimes itching occurs. In a later phase, after 12-24 hours a sort of blister begins to form and in the following days the necrotic tissue takes on a dark and bluish color. The ulceration, if well treated, It usually heals after 6-8 weeks. In some rather rare cases the skin lesion can become quite extensive and may require specific interventions.
What to do if you get bitten by a brown recluse spider
The protocol suggested by the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Surgery and Anesthesia of the Caldarelli Hospital in Naples provides for a washing the affected area with plenty of water and theuse of a local disinfectant based on 0.05% sodium hypochlorite. Disinfectants based on ammonium or hydrogen peroxide are not recommended.
They do not currently exist antidotes specific for the bite of the violin spider. Any further therapies will obviously have to be suggested by a doctor. In any case, it will be useful if possible to capture the spider with due care to determine if it is actually a violin spider. A national reference center for this type of problem is the Poison Control Center of Pavia which can provide support.