“Via d’Exit” arrives on Netflix, the new Polish thriller TV series composed of 6 episodes and directed by Maciej Pieprzyca who, despite being little known in Italy, has several television productions under his belt in his country of origin – Poland and cinematographic ones, including “I am Mateusz”, a film which arrived in our theaters in 2015, two years after its release in Polish cinemas. Let’s discover together the plot, the cast and when “Via d’Exit” comes out on Netflix.
Way out: the plot
The six-episode story features Oskar, a special police agent who left his job after experiencing an unpleasant event during a mission, an anti-drug operation of undoubted importance. On that occasion, in fact, the man had a panic attack which led him to radically change his life. But it didn’t end there, because dramas followed him everywhere, even in his private life: his father, in fact, committed suicide, leaving him with a mountain of gambling debts that he will have to deal with alone. Precisely to be able to survive and smooth out the complex situation, the man found a new job: he became a guard at a clothing warehouse, in the hope of thus solving all his financial problems. But the protagonist doesn’t yet know that his troubles have only just begun, because the bad guys are in a hurry to get their money back…
Way out: the cast
The cast of “Via d’Exit”, the Netflix TV series, includes Aleksandra Adamska in the role of Marta and Piotr Witkowski in that of the protagonist Oskar Gwiazda. Joining the two interpreters are Jakub Wesołowski, Mirosław Haniszewski, Sebastian Dela, Konrad Eleryk and Sylwek.
Way out: when it comes out on Netflix
“The Way Out” arrives on Netflix on October 30, 2024 in all countries where the streaming service is active.