
What is the HIMARS missile system used by Kiev and what are its advantages

HIMARSacronym for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systemis the name of the weapon system used for launching various types of missiles, consisting mainly of a launcher mounted on a vectora vehicle capable of transporting and then deploying the system at strategic points. In this way, the system is guaranteed large versatility of employment, making it possible to provide support Of fire to ground troops during war operations – as recently observed during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

How is the HIMARS system composed?

The HIMARS missile system belongs to the category of launchers MLR (Multiple Launch Rocket System)i.e. systems capable of carrying and launching various types of missiles. It is essentially composed of:

  • a launcher;
  • from ammunition (the missiles);
  • from a vector used for transport.

Transport vector

Let’s start with the definition of the last aspect, that is the ability that HIMARS has to “move” on the battlefield. The development of the weapon system, in fact, starts from a similar version, already existing and transported on tracked vehicles. The system used by the Ukrainians, refers to the version M142 with the launcher mounted on a 6-wheel drive wheeled armored vehicle. Inside are housed the 3 operators needed to operate the vehicle and the system as well as the on-board electronics.



As specified by Lockheed Martin, the manufacturing company, HIMARS has been designed to be able to operate with different types of ammunition: depending on the operational needs, missiles with a range varying from 70 km such as those used by the Ukrainian army until about 500 km of PrMS, i.e. precision missiles. These are the GMRS, the Extended Range ER GMRS, the ATCMS and the PrSM.

GMRS guided missiles and their “extended” version ER GMRS

The missiles GMRS, that is, missiles capable of using the GPS for greater precision, they are capable of being launched from the HIMARS system. They cover 70 km in the standard version and 150 in the ER version, that is, “enhanced”. In this configuration, both GMRS and ER GRMS, the missile launcher hosts 6 missiles.

The ATACMS – Army tactical Missile system

These are missiles with a range of about 300 km, used to strike targets deep in enemy territory. The M142 HIMARS can carry 1 missile of ATACMS type.

I PrMS – Precision Strike missile

This is the most recent generation of missiles built by Lockheed Martin, capable of hitting targets beyond the 500 km away, even in movementThe M142 launcher carries and launches up to 2 missiles of this typology.

The strengths of the HIMARS system

During tests and field use, HIMARS has proven to be a particularly flexible and, at the same time, effective system. Its features include:

  • high precision;
  • speed of use;
  • possibility of using different types of ammunition depending on the type of mission and the type of target to be hit. Different missiles have different ranges.

The philosophy behind the system is to provide troops with a system that can be unfolded in times quick, according to the philosophy of “fire and movement”In this way, we aim to hit targets from various positions, more or less in depth and, immediately after, move to avoid the effects of fire answer enemy.
These aspects, especially in land warfare operations, are fundamental for the maneuver support.

The version in use in Kiev

The choice initially the U.S. government’s only choice was to provide the Ukrainian government with the most accurate versions short range of missiles. This would appear to have been prompted by an attempt not to to exacerbate further the disputes between Kiev and Moscow: the ability to hit targets on enemy territory so deeply is in fact very dangerous in war operations. In the last tranche of aid provided in the first quarter of 2024, however, the Americans seem to have supplied ATACMS missiles to Kiev, already used on several occasions.