Workers wanted in the country where the average salary is 6 thousand euros per month

Workers wanted in the country where the average salary is 6 thousand euros per month

Luxembourg is looking for workers. A request that is tempting for many Italians looking for a job or a better salary. Because the average salary in the Grand Duchy is 73,418 euros per year, more than double that of Italy. If we consider the 12 months of salary, the average salary in the smallest European country is 6,118 euros per month, while the minimum salary is 2,570.93 euros for an unskilled worker, the minimum established by law.

It is not only the high salary that makes the Grand Duchy so attractive: the unemployment rate is the lowest recorded in the entire Eurozone, with a percentage of just 5.7%. Luxembourg confirms itself once again as one of the most attractive countries in the European area, especially after the large international technology and finance companies decided to open their offices in the Grand Duchy on the old continent. Three thousand positions are vacant in the European country. Among the most sought-after profiles are those in the banking, financial, IT and healthcare sectors. The transport and real estate sectors also often seek staff. But there is also a need for experts in home maintenance, such as electricians and plumbers, car maintenance for mechanics and tire dealers, as well as in personal care, such as carers and nurses. On the European portal Eures you can find over 2800 ads, even without a degree required.