But how do you cancel a series like Prisma?
The news, here on Today, has already been given by our colleague Maria Cafagna, as well as explaining the sociological context in which it is inserted. In talking about the cancellation of Prisma after two (wonderful) seasons, communicated directly by Lodovico Bessegato, we therefore limit ourselves to a comment as a TV series enthusiast and as a journalist who follows Prime Video in particular.
How do you cancel a series like Prisma? How do you deprive of an ending what is by far the best Italian TV series produced by Prime Video, unique, original, different and beautiful?
We had already said that streaming platforms are increasingly resembling generalist TV when ads started appearing here too, but this cancellation goes beyond this pursuit of the past.
Prisma is a TV series that practically does a public service, telling a youth reality with disarming authenticity. It is a series that should be broadcast on RAI, if only there was a political context favorable to certain types of LGBTQ+ friendly products.
Instead, with this choice, Prime abdicates not only its experimental vocation, but also and above all its need to produce and show series other than the fiction we already see on television. Even just to justify subscriptions that are not (anymore) exactly cheap.
This cancellation therefore seems to us, although economically justifiable (even if …), strategically and creatively wrong. Because the risk is that subscribers find themselves choosing not to pay for platforms with advertising and with series that tend to conform to those of TV, between comedies with famous faces and stories of crime and investigation. A risk that Prime Video, if it wants to continue to challenge Netflix in Italy, we do not know how much it can afford.