Italy is a normal country, even if the radical-chic left doesn’t like it
“A normal country”. Foreignophilia is the all-Italian tendency, typical of a certain radical-chic left, to consider the neighbor’s grass always greener than one’s own and Italy a “strange” or “abnormal” country that does not reflect the typical canons of the West. And, in fact, in some ways, in a “normal country” a regional president like Giovanni Toti would not have remained under house arrest for more than two months.
Abroad magistrates are not politicized
Of course, abroad politicians resign immediately and for much less. At least this is the most popular theory among those who do not take into account that “a normal country” does not have a judiciary as politicized as ours. Or maybe it does? If, in fact, it is true that in the US prosecutors are elected by citizens, in Italy there is a widespread custom that prosecutors first investigate the political class and then enter politics. And this seems much less normal than the record ratings of Temptation Island that led to the postponement of Alberto Angela’s program. In a “normal country” the institutions would reform themselves without the opposition crying out (almost) daily about the danger of an alleged authoritarian drift by the government. It is equally serious to imply that, in some way, the majority forces are in some way co-responsible for the attack suffered by a journalist or that the government wants to limit freedom of the press.
What hasn’t been said about the suspension of Alberto Angela’s program
Would a “normal country” dissolve Casa Pound? Maybe yes, maybe no. If we consider Greece “normal” for having dissolved Golden Dawn in 2020, then we should consider Germany “strange” for keeping alive a party considered by many to be neo-Nazi like AfD. Let’s go in order and see how and which are the so-called “normal” countries that we often take as points of reference. Let’s start with the United States. The world’s leading nation has seen the exit of its incumbent president three months before the vote. Donald Trump will be challenged by his vice president, Kamala Harris, praised in Italy for her multi-ethnicity but become famous in America for a speech against illegal immigration. “Don’t leave,” she said a few years ago addressing Mexicans. The USA, the home of Ius Soli, defends its borders with a wall that not even the Democrat Biden has torn down. Yet the USA is an example when it comes to civil rights even if the death of George Floyd is still an open wound.
The contradictions of others
The US is a “normal country” when it allows abortion, but not when it applies the death penalty and never the other way around. Germany, where parties take months to form a coalition government and where AfD is at 16 percent, is considered a “normal country.” Spain, which in 2023 saw Pedro Sanchez remain in power only thanks to an agreement with the Spanish version of a “secessionist Bossi” for whom the amnesty granted by the government does not apply, is considered a “normal country.” And finally, there is France where President Emmanuel Macron (yes, the one who turns migrants away in Ventimiglia) has made an electoral pact of desistance with the left to beat Marine Le Pen, but now does not want to entrust them with the leadership of the government despite the electoral victory. According to the Brussels bureaucrats, however, the premiership conceived by the Meloni government would not be good because it would prevent the birth of technical governments, that is, executives led by personalities not elected by the people. The reality is that there is no “normal country”, but each has its own specificities and the patent of “normality” is always alternating currents.