Vitali returns to acting in 'Vita da Carlo', Verdone reveals: "They wrote to me 'you were right to choose him, poor thing'"

Vitali returns to acting in ‘Vita da Carlo’, Verdone reveals: “They wrote to me ‘you were right to choose him, poor thing'”

“When we announced that Alvaro Vitali would be among the guest stars of ‘Life as Carlo 4’ on social media they wrote to me ‘you did well, poor thing’. But I didn’t take it because ‘poor thing’, it works or doesn’t work for me. And he worked”: this is how Carlo Verdone, on the set of the new and final season of the series ‘Vita da Carlo’, filming of which is underway at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, recounts the reactions found at the news of the arrival of the iconic actor interpreter of the character Pierino who has been away from the scene for years.

“In reality”, added the Roman director, “he had already been chosen for the second season, but he couldn’t do it anymore because he wasn’t well. For the new episodes we managed to find the right role: he plays a dream that it becomes a nightmare. A nightmare because in reality it represents the fear of no longer working”, anticipated Verdone who recalled the emotion after reading a message from Vitali: “He thanked me telling me that the atmosphere of the scene brought him back in Fellini’s world”.

Alvaro Vitali and depression: “I felt excluded from cinema”

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‘Vita da Carlo 4’, the news

From mayor of Rome in the first season of ‘Vita da Carlo’ to artistic director of the Sanremo Festival in the third, Carlo Verdone in the fourth is not only a professor of direction at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome but also the ‘target’ of the ‘beast”s questions ‘ Francesca Fagnani: “I’m going because in the series I have to regain the public’s approval, telling myself with sincerity and freedom. After the gaffes in Sanremo on political correctness and the consequent social attacks I’m retiring to Nice as an old pensioner who doesn’t want to see anyone anymore.” At ‘Belve’ “anything will happen and it will be a super fun time”, he revealed. And again: “I will be the directing professor at the CSC and I will argue a lot with Sergio Rubini, an acting professor, who didn’t take my role well. We had fun hating each other”, says Verdone again. “Reuniting with Sergio was a nice surprise, I’ve wanted to work with him again since ‘Al wolf’s sake’.” For Rubini, “it’s a gift from life, being on his sets is like being at home. Carlo is welcoming.”

After some initial fears from Verdone, the series has reached its fourth season. But it will be the last: “I’m happy to have managed to do four,” he commented, “it was like taking an unknown highway. My physical and mental strength helped me, it’s not easy to shoot 10 episodes with hundreds and hundreds of pages of script”.