
cosa fare se telefono cade in acqua

What to do if a phone (even a waterproof one) falls into sea water

What to do if your phone falls into sea water? The growing dependence on technology leads more and more people to use their phones even during our trips or seaside holidays. This bad habit, in addition to hindering relaxation, could lead to accidental damage due to the smartphone falling into salt water. In these cases, If the phone falls into ...

differenza tra biodegradabile e compostabile definizione

Biodegradable vs. Compostable, What Are the Differences? Here’s What They Are and Where to Throw Them Away

Waste collection still generates a lot of confusion among people. After the directives on single-use products in bioplasticwe are still learning to live with some terms that we find written on plates, cutlery, glasses, food containers and more. Among all of them, the ones that cause the most confusion are biodegradable And compostable. Although the terms indicate two very similar ...

Olimpiadi Parigi 2024

Technological innovations of the Paris 2024 Olympics: all the applications of AI

Credit: Paris 2024. The Paris Olympics 2024scheduled from July 26th to theAugust 11thpromise to be a revolutionary event thanks to the unprecedented integration of artificial intelligence with Olympic sports. The THAT IS (International Olympic Committee), or the International Olympic Committeehas undertaken ambitious initiatives to transform the way sports competitions are organized, experienced and broadcast. In particular, the Paris 2024 Olympic ...


OpenAi’s SearchGPT is official, the new engine that challenges Google: how it works and test the prototype

OpenAI has entered the search engine market. After the rumors circulating in recent months, it has been officially announced SearchGPTa new search engine based on artificial intelligence, which aims to dethrone Googlea point of reference in the sector for years Web research. SearchGPT is currently available as temporary prototypewhich applies AI to web data to provide quick and targeted responses, ...

Senna Parigi

How They Made the Seine Swimmable for the 2024 Paris Olympics

The organization of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games he decided to use the Seinethe great river that divides the city into two parts, for some aquatic disciplinestaking up an idea already exploited in 1900, the year of the first Paris Olympics. In order to compete, however, the river must be declared legally suitable for swimming. In addition to industrial waste, ...


Critical raw materials in Italy, updated map and new ISPRA database published

Map of critical raw materials in Italy. Source: ISPRA L’ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) has published the updated GeMMA (Geological, Mining, Museum and Environmental) database of Mineral Resources present in Italy, including the critical raw materialsthat is, those raw materials that have great economic importance but whose supply is limited. This database is essential for processing the ...


The Perseverance rover may have found evidence of microbial life on Mars in a rock

Credit: NASA/JPL–Caltech/MSSS The Rover Perseverance of NASA, renamed “the six-wheeled geologist“, may have found on the surface of Mars one of the best directions chemical signatures and structures created by microbial life forms that are thought to have inhabited the red planet billions of years ago. This is the conclusion, for now partial, that NASA researchers have reached by analyzing ...

origine e significato nomi dei mesi in italiano

Where do the names of the 12 months of the year come from? Meaning and origin month by month

The term “month” comes from Latin monthwhich in turn is related to Greek men: both mean “lunar month” or “moon”, that is, the star that first gave the ancients the idea of ​​the division of time. The division of the year into seasons, months, weeks and days has ancient origins and today the Gregorian calendaror solar calendar, is the system ...

Torcia olimpica Parigi 2024

How the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Works and What Happens If the Flame Goes Out

Credit: ICO One of the most iconic symbols of the Olympics is certainly the Olympic torchprotagonist of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics. By tradition, the Olympic flame is lit at Olympiain Greece, and which has the task of carrying the flame by the hands of thousands of torchbearers to the city hosting the Olympic Games. The design changes ...